WUSC Local Committee

Duties of SFU WUSC Local Committee

The SFU WUSC Local Committee is a student and volunteer-driven campus organization that:

  • Runs the Student Refugee Program. This is a program that sponsors student refugees (who had to flee their home countries due to conflict and persecution) to continue their post-secondary education in a Canadian institution. WUSC-SFU, along with SFU International, welcomes 6-8 sponsored students every year.
  • Organize pre-arrival preparations for the sponsored students and assist them in their transition to life in Canada and to life on the SFU campus.
  • Advocate for the Millennium Development Goals, in areas such as education and health (e.g. water, sanitation), sustainable livelihoods (promotions of vocational training and assisting in agriculture/rural developments), and governance (promotion of human rights and peace building)
  • Inform and mobilize other students and the general public around global citizenship issues (e.g. fundraising for women in war-affected Afghanistan, fundraising to build bicycle ambulances for people in Malawi, raising awareness of refugee issues through films, documentaries and informal presentations)
  • Selects an SFU delegate to attend the annual International Seminar
  • Promote national and international travel opportunities, such as the Uniterra Leadership Summit
  • Partners with other like-minded organizations, such as the SFU Dzaleka Project, Fair Trade Vancouver and WUSC-UBC.

Contact wuscsfu@gmail.com if you have any questions about the program. Get involved to make a difference in the lives of students through the program.

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